PACFA introduces new standards to meet NASRHP requirements

15 July 2024 

At the recent June Board meeting, the PACFA Board voted to approve the English Language Skills Standard and Recency of Practice Standard as required to meet the full membership standards of NASRHP. The Standards were developed by the Professional Standards Committee over the last six months and ensure counsellors are equally skilled and accountable as other Allied Health professions. Both were presented and discussed at the May Council meeting.

The English Language Skills Standard, effective from July 2024, applies to all applicants for registration and all registered counsellors, psychotherapists and Indigenous Healing practitioners. Effective communication is a vital component of counselling, psychotherapy and Indigenous healing practice. As such, PACFA registrants must possess a sufficient level of English language proficiency to effectively engage with clients, understand their needs and provide appropriate support. PACFA’s English Language Skills Standard specifies the minimum level of English language competency applicants must demonstrate to obtain registration with PACFA. This standard ensures that registrants meet the necessary language proficiency to practice competently and safely.

The Recency of Practice Standard will come into effect from July 2025. Recency of practice refers to how recently, and to what extent, an individual has used their professional skills and knowledge to deliver appropriate and effective services within their profession.

As per the new standard PACFA Members must have accrued either 150 hours of practice per year or 450 hours in a three year period (one hour of client contact is counted as two hours of practice to encompass administration, preparation and follow up). Please see the document attached for more details around the minimum amount of accrued hours. 

The purpose of this standard will be to ensure that PACFA registrants maintain a sufficient level of engagement in their profession to practice safely and competently.

In meeting this standard, practitioners will maintain their professional expertise by keeping their skills and knowledge current. This standard will apply to all PACFA registrants from 1 July 2025 except:

  • recent graduates* in the period of membership following their initial registration and in the following first full year of membership (July–June), or
  • registrants who have an approved leave of absence (Please refer to the Leave of Absence Policy).**

To review the full list of Associated Registration Standards, including the newly approved English Language Skills Standard, visit the Registration Standards page of the PACFA website. Please note that the Recency of Practice Standard will appear on the PACFA website once it comes into effect on 1 July 2025.

Applicants for PACFA membership and current members must meet the relevant registration standard, and their associated registration standards.

For all enquiries regarding eligibility for PACFA registration, please email [email protected].

*Recent graduate is a person who graduated from a course that meets PACFA’s Registration Standard prior to two years of applying for registration. The date of graduation is as listed on the course parchment.

**Registrants who take a leave of absence for more than three years must meet the Resumption of Practice Standard requirements before registration with PACFA can be reactivated. Please refer to the Resumption of Practice Standard for details.