Opportunities to volunteer for PACFA’s Governance Committee

PACFA is inviting volunteers with governance expertise to join the Governance Committee. Applicants should have relevant qualifications and experience, preferably in a non-profit context. Volunteers from across Australia can participate via Zoom. Email [email protected] for more information.

15 July 2024 

PACFA is seeking volunteers with governance expertise to join the Governance Committee.

PACFA’s Governance Committee was established in 2020 to support and advise the PACFA Board on the effective governance of PACFA.

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to provide support and advice to ensure that the PACFA Board is able to fulfil its legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities through adequate governance policy development, processes for Board recruitment, induction and training, and processes for reviewing and evaluating the performance of the Board, Board Committees, individual Directors and Board Committee members.

Applicants will have relevant tertiary qualifications (e.g. law, accounting, human resources, management) and substantial knowledge and experience of organisational governance, preferably in a non-profit organisational context. Completion of the AICD Company Director’s course and membership of the AICD will be highly regarded. Eligibility to join the Working Party is predicated on training and expertise in governance, having capacity to actively contribute to the workload, and a demonstrated commitment to best practice governance.

PACFA is located in Melbourne; applications from anywhere in Australia will be considered as meetings take place via Zoom.

The Committee meets virtually every month. For information on the role of the PACFA Governance Committee, see the Terms of Reference.

To explore your interest, please email [email protected].

For more information on PACFA’s Governance Committee and its members, please visit this page of our website.

Volunteers are vital to the strength of PACFA

Volunteers are an important part of the organisation’s success. Whether it be serving on a board, committee, interest group, college, branch, or any other PACFA endeavour, the time and effort of volunteers is deeply valued. Volunteering is a powerful way to make a real difference, and PACFA benefits so much from the diversity of voices in our volunteer body.

Complimentary PACFA community online CPD events

All eligible PACFA leadership volunteers are able to receive complimentary access to PACFA community online CPD events.This policy was implemented to support the maintenance and advancement of leadership volunteers’ professional skills and knowledge, and to recognise their ongoing dedication to PACFA and the profession. For more information on this, read the downloadable document: Policy for complimentary access to online continuing professional development for PACFA leadership volunteers.