Governance Committee

The Governance Committee was established in 2020 to support and advise the PACFA Board on the effective governance of PACFA.

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to provide support and advice to ensure that the PACFA Board is able to fulfil its legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities through adequate governance policy development, processes for Board recruitment, induction and training, and processes for reviewing and evaluating the performance of the Board, Board Committees, individual Directors and Board Committee members.

Governance Committee Terms of Reference

Committee members

Scott Rogan (Chair) worked for 25 years as a Detective and Police Negotiator in NSW Police Force, retiring in 2012 as a Detective Inspector. Since then, Scott has worked as an Investigator for NSW Independent Commission against Corruption, Australian Commission Law Enforcement Integrity and NSW Ombudsman. Scott runs his own Investigative Consultancy business, working in child safeguarding, WH&S and anti-corruption areas. He is also a non-executive Director on two other not-for-profit Boards. Scott holds a Masters Degree in Investigations along with Graduate degrees in Corruption and Integrity Management, Intelligence, Counter Terrorism and Cyber Security and Sport Coaching. He is married with 2 adult children, and loves travel and photography.

Scott is a member of the following professional organisations:

  • Fellow - Governance Institute Australia
  • Member - Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Member - Institute of Public Administration Australia
  • Associate - Safety Governance Institute Australia


Nigel Polak is a psychotherapist in private practice working with individuals, couples, groups, and supervisees online and in person in Coffs Harbour. He has a Master of Counselling & Psychotherapy, and is an academic teacher and supervisor in the School of Counselling at the Australian College of Applied Psychology. As founding Secretary of the Victorian Association for Restorative Justice, and having been Secretary of key community organisations in the wake of the Black Saturday Bushfires, he brings more than 20 years of experience leading diverse volunteer organisations. Having had prior careers as a Solicitor, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and mediator, he also brings knowledge of the law, corporate governance and diverse industry experience to his role on the Board. Nigel served for a number of years with the PACFA Victorian Branch, continues to sit on the College of Counselling Leadership Group, and also serves as Convenor of the PACFA 2022 "Safety in Therapy" Conference Committee. He lives in Bellingen, NSW, where he enjoys cycling, ocean swimming, learning to surf and spending time with his partner and three growing boys.


Kylie Norman