Key takeaways from the 2024 PACFA Audit

The 2024 PACFA audit has concluded; PACFA would like to offer a few reflections on the process; how the audit helps to uphold our standards; and the common challenges faced by our members. After all, the annual audit not only ensures compliance but also helps improve practices across the board.

16 July 2024 

Common factors that contributed to an unsuccessful audit result

Throughout the audit, we identified several recurring issues that led to unsuccessful outcomes. These included:

  • Incomplete record keeping: A few registrants struggled with maintaining comprehensive and up-to-date records, such as insurance and first aid
  • Lack of documentation: Proper documentation of supervision sessions and evidence of continuing professional development (CPD) activities were often lacking. If evidence is not uploaded into your logs at renewal, then records must be kept for audit.
  • Non-compliance with ethical guidelines: Adhering to PACFA's ethical guidelines is non-negotiable. Failure to comply with documentation and record keeping negates ethical compliance.
Ensuring future success

To avoid any problems in future audits, we recommend the following:

  • Regular record updates: make it a habit to update records regularly rather than waiting until the audit period. This will save time and reduce stress.  Ensure your supervision logs are signed off by your supervisor annually at renewal period.
  • Utilise provided resources: take advantage of the templates and guidelines provided by PACFA. These are designed to help you meet the required standards in an easy and effective manner.
  • Engage in CPD activities: Continuously engage in professional development and document these activities meticulously. Obtain relevant evidence that you have undertaken this work. This not only enhances your skills but also demonstrates your commitment to the profession.
  • Seek support: Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Our membership team is always available to assist you with any challenges you may face.

Audits are undertaken to ensure the integrity of our membership register. Correct information ensures the safety of our practitioners and enables PACFA to confidently advocate for all in the field.