Call for expressions of interest to join PACFA’s 2024 program accreditation standards review reference group

13 March 2024

About the program accreditation standards review

PACFA is committed to maintaining and promoting high standards in the counselling and psychotherapy profession. We are undertaking a comprehensive review of the PACFA Training Standards, 2022 to ensure they reflect contemporary educational practices and regulatory changes. This review offers an opportunity to align the standards with both national and international benchmarks, incorporating the latest research and evidence.

Role of the program accreditation standards review reference group

The Reference Group will play a key role in shaping the future of program accreditation standards. Members will provide profession specific insights and advice, ensuring that the draft accreditation standards are both robust and reflective of the diverse needs of the profession. Members of the Reference Group will be involved in:

  • Providing feedback and recommendations on the draft program accreditation standards.
  • Offering profession specific insights and advice to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the program accreditation standards.
  • Ensuring that the program accreditation standards reflect the diverse perspectives and requirements of the counselling and psychotherapy profession.

Who can apply

PACFA is seeking appropriately qualified and experienced individuals to join the Reference Group.

While preference is given to PACFA registrants to ensure alignment with Registration Standards and ethical guidelines, applicants should have a blend of professional and sector specific expertise that includes:

  1. Demonstrated experience in counselling and psychotherapy, encompassing a broad understanding of clinical practice, ethical considerations and client care.
  2. Deep knowledge of the counselling and psychotherapy sector’s trends, challenges and opportunities, including an understanding of healthcare delivery, regulation and policy development.
  3. Insights from organisations employing counselling and psychotherapy graduates, focussing on the skills, knowledge and competencies required upon graduation.
  4. Experience in the practical application of educational principles in professional settings, including supporting professional readiness and sector alignment.
  5. Commitment to representing a wide range of perspectives within profession, including different therapeutic approaches, cultural backgrounds and settings.
  6. Ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment, providing constructive feedback and engaging in meaningful discussions.


As this is a new Reference Group, the requirements for meetings are yet to be established. Following the formation of the Reference Group, we anticipate that the first meeting will be held in May 2024 with further details to be provided to members once appointments are confirmed.

Initial meetings may require a commitment of 1 to 2 hours per week, including meeting, reading and research time. Members of the Reference Group will also review drafts and provide feedback outside of meeting times. The meeting schedule will be determined once the Reference Group is formed and will be based on the project and consultation timeframes.

Expression of interest

This is a chance to make a significant impact on the standards that shape the profession. We encourage interested stakeholders to apply for this opportunity to contribute their expertise and vision.

To express interest in membership of the Reference Group, please complete and submit the EOI application form along with a copy of your current curriculum vitae by Friday 19 April 2024.

PACFA aims to the review applications and make a decision on appointments within one month of the closing date. Please note that all information provided will be treated confidentially and used solely for shortlisting and selection purposes.

For more information and to request an EOI application form, please email Jess Hazell, Project and Registration Officer at [email protected]