Support student researchers in counselling and psychotherapy 

1 September 2022

Student researchers are seeking counsellors and psychotherapists to participate in their research projects. 

Cisgender women during transition of transmasculine partner
An Auckland University of Technology PhD candidate is conducting research on the experiences of cisgender women during the transition of their transmasculine partner in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. Participants (18 or over, cisgender women) would complete an anonymous online survey. Researcher Contact Details: Elizabeth Jennens - by email: [email protected].

Ideals, Values and Virtues in Practice: A qualitative exploration of counsellors and psychotherapists
A PhD Candidate from the University of Queensland is compiling descriptive accounts of the complexities of practice in his exploration into how counsellors use their virtues and values to navigate these complexities to achieve desired outcomes. Participants would engage in a 60-90 minute interview at a time or place most convenient for you (including online). Contact Jim Schirmer: [email protected] or (07) 3346 7026, for more information.

Therapist Experiences in Counselling Adolescent Males in Australia
A PhD Candidate at the University of Southern Queensland would like to survey mental health professionals who work with adolescent males (ages 12-18 years) in Australia. Participants would complete a 15–30-minute online survey. If you are interested to participate, contact Micah Boerma at: [email protected].

PACFA supports the development of scholarship in counselling and psychotherapy by promoting the recruitment efforts for approved research projects. For further details on each project, including eligibility criteria and to read about all researchers seeking counsellors and psychotherapists to participate in their project, see our supporting research studies page.