New Board members welcomed and members farewelled

03 November 2022

New Board members were announced and several members farewelled at PACFA’s Annual General Meeting on 8 October 2022.

Registered Clinical Counsellor Nigel Polak, who has been PACFA Secretary since 2020, assumed the role of President, taking the reins from Dr Di Stow, who stepped down after serving the full 12-year term on the Board, an outstanding contribution to PACFA and the profession. Di will remain on the Board supporting the incoming President in an ex-officio role of Immediate Past President.

Registered Clinical Psychotherapist Doug Aberle, who was interim Vice-President, remains in this role and will continue as Ethics Committee Chair on the Board.

Registered Clinical Counsellor Francis Kim is the new Treasurer, replacing George Gintilas who has stepped down after 6 years, leaving PACFA in sound financial shape. George presented his final Financial Report, covering the 2021-22 year, included in our 2021-22 Annual Report. 

Registered Clinical Counsellor Maree Armansin is the new Counselling Representative, replacing Pat Bradley, who has stepped down, also after 6 years.

Registered Clinical Psychotherapist Ernst Meyer was elected Psychotherapy Representative in a ballot that ended on 5 October 2022. PACFA thanked outgoing Psychotherapy Representative Valerie Redman for her hard work and expertise, particularly in helping to formulate the College of Psychotherapy Training Standards.

Since the AGM, the new Professional Standards Committee Chair, Dr Pamela Brear has been welcomed to the Board.

There were no nominations for the position of Secretary, therefore an eligible member will be chosen by the incoming Board.

Immediate Past President Dr Di Stow thanked George Gintilas, Valerie Redman and Pat Bradley for their generous contributions to the Board and to the profession.

The Chair of the Research Committee, Dr Alexandra Bloch-Atefi, the Convenor of the College of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Practices (CATSIHP), Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson, and CATSIHP Co-Convenor Bianca Stawiarski remain on the Board in their advisory capacities.

PACFA CEO Johanna de Wever said: 'My deepest thanks to Di, George, Valerie and Pat for your support and enormous contributions to the Board, the membership and the profession. And to the new Board members, congratulations on your appointments and I look forward to working with you all as we progress PACFA's strategic agenda.'

Read more about the PACFA Board members.