Change of leadership for PACFA West

6 September 2022

The PACFA West Leadership Group has welcomed new co-convenors Maxine Santich and Philippa Colgan, replacing Leah O’Brien Addison and Sally Pamberger.

Leah and Sally have stepped away from the group to pursue other interests, after 7 and 5 years in the co-convenor role, respectively. PACFA thanks Leah and Sally for their contribution to the counselling and psychotherapy profession, and their colleagues in the PACFA West Branch.

Leah and Sally said that forging a co-convening model for the leadership group was one of the highlights of their experience at PACFA West, along with the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from other branches at Council and Annual General Meetings.

Other highlights of their partnership as co-convenors were:

Other highlights of their partnership include:

  • Supporting the restructure from PACAWA to the new era of PACFA West

  • Supporting President, Dr Di Stow, on her important visits to WA to advocate for the profession.

  • Sourcing quality, relevant and affordable professional development for members that showcases local talent and accesses the expertise of international speakers online

  • Partnering with Abbottsford Psychiatry for two PD events, which fostered greater mutual understanding of how counsellors and psychiatrists can work together in support of their clients.

  • Initiating more support for the regions in the form of online gatherings, peer supervision and retreat-style residential events held outside of the Perth metropolitan area.

  • Combining networking and PD to support members to keep in touch, while drawing on the expertise of broader professional networks, particularly during the Covid pandemic.

New convenors Maxine Santich and Phillipa Colgan will be supported in the leadership group by Rosealeen Tamaki, Sally Hardwick and Sue Etheridge.