VETASSESS partnership recognises PACFA’s expertise

PACFA has signed a memorandum of understanding with Australia’s largest skills assessment provider, VETASSESS, to provide our expertise on psychotherapy and counselling qualifications. 

VETASSESS is authorised by the Australian Government to conduct skills assessment for migration, assessment of workplace competencies, recognition of prior learning, assessment development and curriculum development.   

PACFA has worked closely with VETASSESS to provide an accredited pathway for overseas-trained counsellors and psychotherapists to have their qualifications recognised in Australia. 

This assessment pathway verifies the academic credentials of overseas applicants and measures these against the PACFA training standards for membership. This has provided a valuable pathway for many of our overseas trained members to continue their careers in Australia. 

The VETASSESS agreement recognises that PACFA has the knowledge and industry credibility to provide advice to VETASSESS on our professions. VETASSESS seeks PACFA’s expertise to regularly review and validate the VETASSESS criteria for psychotherapy and counselling-related occupations.