PACFA welcomes commitment to National Standards for Counselling and Psychotherapy

The Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) – Australia’s leading peak body for the profession – has welcomed the announcement made in last week’s federal budget of a commitment to the development of National Standards for Counselling and Psychotherapy.  

PACFA looks forward to participating in the project following the allocation of 300k over two years in the recent federal Budget. This announcement builds on presentations made by Immediate Past President Dr Di Stow and CEO Johanna de Wever to the Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in 2021 which emphasised the untapped capacity of the counselling and psychotherapy workforce, and the tertiary qualifications of PACFA registrants.

PACFA was the only counselling organisation which supported the proposal for National Standards when the Select Committee’s recommendations were announced in November 2021.

‘The counselling and psychotherapy workforces have been crying out for opportunities to contribute as the demand for mental health support has skyrocketed during and since Covid’ said spokesperson Dr Di Stow.

‘Just this month media has reported excessive wait lists for mental health services across the country and high out of pocket costs for individuals seeking help even when eligible for Medicare rebates.

‘Enabling Registered Counsellors and Psychotherapists to be recognised as service providers at a specific level– to play a greater role in multidisciplinary teams, and to potentially be eligible for government rebates and GST exemption like other Allied Health professionals is a tremendous step for the profession.

‘We are deeply appreciative of the Albanese Government and Department of Health for this opportunity to develop documentation to support a competent and comprehensive mental health workforce.

‘With nearly 7000 members nationally, and a longstanding commitment to high standards for our registrants, PACFA welcomes this commitment and looks forward to positive and meaningful recognition of the skills and expertise of tertiary qualified Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Indigenous Healing Practitioners.’

For further information/interviews contact:

Johanna de Wever

Chief Executive Officer

M: 0487 698 218

E: [email protected]

About Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australian (PACFA)

PACFA has registered and represented clinicians for nearly 25 years. With 7000 members nationally PACFA is the only mental health counselling membership organisation to be a full member of Allied Health Professionals Australia and a qualifying member of the National Alliance of Self-Regulating Health Professionals.

Our registration requires that all practising members must have completed appropriate training at a university level, with mandatory placement and clinical supervision. PACFA also requires all members to meet annual CPD requirements and adhere to our Code of Ethics.