Practicing Presence in Supervision

Good Supervision Matters



Practicing Presence in Supervision:

Day 1 - What I do in Practice / Day 2 - The Self Who Practices

3 - 4 May 2024, 9:30am - 5:00pm AEST


Day 1: What I do in practice 
Professional development for supervisors 
In this workshop, you’ll expand your toolbox of skills through group work and discovery. Michael will create space for you to inquire into your emerging identity as a supervisor and externalise your way of working in the service of your clients. This workshop is open to anyone offering supervision. 

Day 2: The self who practices 
Develop professionally for experienced supervisors 
This workshop is a unique opportunity for experienced supervisors. Through an emergent process Michael will help depth your self-awareness as we view selves in practice. This workshop is open to supervisors with 5+ years of experience offering supervision and is limited to 20 participants. 


Michael is a priest, psychotherapist, supervisor and supervisor-trainer based in Fife, Scotland. He runs professional training in individual and in group supervision across the English-speaking world. His doctoral thesis examined the multiple identities of practitioners operating on the edges of professional praxis using performance ethnography and other creative forms of reflection on practice.

Each day of this workshop counts towards 7 hours of category A CPD.

Click here to register.

3/05/2024 9:30 AM - 4/05/2024 5:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
The SWell Centre 2 Minona Street Hawthorn, VIC 3122 AUSTRALIA