On White Privilege and Psychotherapy

Centre for Existential Practice (CEP)

On White Privilege and Psychotherapy
1st, 2nd and 16th March 2023

Presenter: Louis Hoffman, PhD

In this workshop, Louis will begin by describing what white privilege is and how it is relevant to our clients and the psychotherapy process. He will introduce the concept of privilege along with many related topics.

Next, Louis will guide you through an exploration of the intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of white privilege. This will encompass facilitating you to engage in self-exploration, including how you are impacted by white privilege and how you may unintentionally contribute to or participate in white privilege.

Finally, Louis will explore with you how to work with the reality of white privilege in the therapy room. This will include case examples to help illustrate how you can become more effective in your practice both with white clients and clients of colour. Particular consideration will be given to cultural humility, which serves as a foundation for ethical and culturally sensitive therapy practice. 

We will reconvene 2 weeks after conclusion of the theory and applications portion of the workshop to debrief and process the material.

About the presenter

Louis Hoffman, PhD is a clinical psychologist in practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is the Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association, an author, and an independent scholar. Louis’ areas of specialisation and interest include existential therapy, religious and spiritual issues in therapy, theoretical and philosophical issues in therapy, diversity issues, and international psychology. He has also been active in professional writing and presenting at professional conferences. Books that he has co-authored/edited include Existential Psychotherapy East-West, Spirituality and Psychological Health, Brilliant Sanity: Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy, and The God Image Handbook for Spiritual Counseling and Psychotherapy. Louis serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, The Humanistic Psychologist, and Janus Head. 

This event counts as 8 hours of category A CPD.

For full details regarding the event please go to the website.

1/03/2023 9:30 AM - 16/03/2023 12:30 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Online Via Zoom

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