Externship in EFT

The Australian Centre for EFT


Externship in EFT


Four days of training (28hrs) in the EFT model that is endorsed by the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). Externship manual, slides and a link to database of relevant EFT research articles are all provided as part of the Externship in EFT. Certificate of completion, reduced rate membership to ICEEFT, and option to list practitioner details on the ACEFT "Find an EFT Therapist" list (only for those who become ICEEFT members).

The Externship in EFT focuses predominantly on EFT for relationships (couples) but also looks at how the model is applied across modalities, such as with families and individuals.

The EFT for individuals model (EFIT) is outlined as part of the Externship, but is not the central focus of the training. The Externship contains didactic teaching about the theoretical underpinnings of the EFT model, coverage of the 3 stages and 9 steps of the EFT model (the EFT road map), a comprehensive of the key EFT therapist interventions at the macro (EFT Tango) and micro levels, as well as video demonstrations, small-group activities and, where possible, a live demonstration of an EFT session.

Clare has a strong focus on diversity in her online Externship in EFT. This means that while covering all of the required content for an Externship in EFT. there is a strong focus on embracing diversity and cultural context in the group of participants as well as in the cases examples discussed. This externship looks at applying the EFT model to monogamous dyads as well as looking at how EFT can assist more diverse relationships such as polyamorous relationships, mixed race relationships, and relationships where there has been minority stress. As with the in-person Externship, we also look at applying EFT with individuals and families.



Dr Clare Rosoman
Clinical Psychologist 
ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer, Supervisor & Therapist
AHPRHA Psychology Board of Australia approved supervisor 
B Psych (Hons) D Psych (Clinical) MAPS FCCLP

This course counts towards 28 hours of category A CPD.

Click here to register. 

20/02/2023 8:30 AM - 28/02/2023 4:00 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time

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