Emotion Focused Therapy Level 2 Individual Therapy Training

Western Australian Institute of Emotion Focused Therapy


Emotion Focused Therapy Level 2 Individual Therapy Training


This four-day programme will provide participants with a solid grounding in the skills required to work more directly with emotion in psychotherapy. Participants will receive in-depth skills training through a combination of brief lectures, video demonstrations, case discussions, and extensive supervised role-playing practice. 

The training will cover advanced issues with Experiential techniques and case formulation. Further instruction will be provided in differential work with different presenting issues. 


Dr Jason Sharbanee, BSc (Hons), MPsych (Clinical), PhD. Lecturer in Psychology at Curtin University. EFT trainer accredited by the International Society of Emotion Focused Therapy (isEFT.org)

This course counts towards 24 hours of category A CPD.

Click here to register.

1/12/2022 9:00 AM - 9/12/2022 4:00 PM
W. Australia Standard Time

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