The Essentials of the Points and Positions Touch-Technique

Functional Analysis Australia Inc.


The Essentials of the Points and Positions Touch-Technique

Functional Analysis Body (Somatic) Psychotherapy

1st - 2nd April and 27th - 28th May 2023

The basic techniques of the Points & Positions will be taught in this 4-day experiential workshop. This particular touch-technique works with the connective tissue & is comprised of a series of gentle pressures on specific points located throughout the body. This is done in conjunction with positioning and compressing specific parts of the body.

The touch of superficial & deep tissue, fascia, ligaments & tendons induces a state of concentration, gathering and deep relaxation, which allows the organism to release stressful conditions and to re-organise its internal resources.

Touching a body is touching the primordial essence of a person and it cannot have any sort of sexual intent or innuendo.

The course is opened to any practitioner in the wellbeing, health & healing professions.

At the end of these workshops, the participants will have gained a knowledge of the foundations of the method, of how to touch, where to touch and when not to touch.

The course will be taught in presence in Melbourne by the Australian Practitioners of Functional Analysis : Ermanno Bergami & Maria Sangiorgi.

Will Davis the founder of this Body Psychotherapy approach will join online from France.


The course will be spread over 2 weekends.


Physical work. The Touch Technique will be taught and experienced by all participants.


Will Davis will expand and contextualise the experiences that have emerged from the physical work.

Limited to 12 participants


Ermanno Bergami: Clinical Psychotherapist, Functional Analist, Accredited Supervisor
Maria Sangiorgi: Dance Movement Therapist, Functional Analist, Massage Therapist
Will Davis: Clinical Psychotherapist, International Trainer, Founder of the Institute of Functional Analysis.

This course counts towards 28 hours of category A CPD.

Click here to register. 

1/04/2023 10:00 AM - 2/04/2023 6:00 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Inner Movement Centre 136 Wickham Road Hampton East, VIC 3188 AUSTRALIA

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