LBQ women's kinship, family formation and parent - Recording

LBQ women's kinship, family formation and parent - Recording
LBQ women form and find chosen families in innovative ways that reimagine family. This often helps them overcome marginalisation through entering the mainstream parenting community but can also create challenges for them as ground breakers. Ruth will discuss her personal, clinical and research-based insights into this dichotomy and how-to best support LBQ kinship as a health professional.

The focus of this webinar will be on LBQ women, including some LBQ women who also have trans and/or intersex lived experiences

For PACFA Registrants, the webinar counts as 2 hours of Category A CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

Dr Ruth McNair

Dr Ruth McNair AM is a lesbian parent, GP to many LBQ women and their kinship networks, and researcher. She is an honorary Associate Professor at the Department of General Practice, the University of Melbourne, and runs an inner-city general practice catering to LGBTIQ communities. Her PhD explored the patient-doctor relationship between LBQ women and their GP, including issues of disclosure and identity. She became a Member of the Order of Australia in 2019 for her work in medicine as an advocate for the LGBTI community.

The recording counts as 2 hours of Category B CPD for PACFA's membership renewal requirements

Non-Members $26 (incl. GST)

PLEASE NOTE: RECORDING EXPIRES 3 February 2022 - Must view before this date.
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