Join as a Member Association

Professional Associations in the counselling or psychotherapy field who wish to apply for membership of PACFA as a Member Association must complete a formal application covering organisational structure, ethics, and training standards.

Organisational Structure

The Association must:

  • be incorporated
  • be democratic, with elected office bearers
  • have aims and objectives which support the profession of counselling and psychotherapy
  • be not for profit
  • be non-discriminatory, open to all with appropriate training and not limited to graduates of any particular training program
  • have a name and publicity which appropriately describes the Association
  • have experienced at least three Annual General Meetings
  • be viable in size, normally with at least twenty (20) members
  • have the support of two other Association that are PACFA members

Ethics and Governance

To be eligible for PACFA membership, an Association needs to have a Code of Ethics which at least covers the issues identified in PACFA’s Code of Ethics. The PACFA Code can be used as a template to develop the Association’s Code where the wording is appropriate and helpful. The Association must have its own process to deal with complaints, including complaints from the public, and an appeals process in the event that the outcome of the complaint is not acceptable to all.

Member Associations are required to follow the Membership Requirements and Guidelines for PACFA Member Associations in order to maintain their membership as a PACFA Member Association.

Training Standards

To be eligible for PACFA membership, an Association must have training standards and requirements for ongoing professional development that at least meet PACFA’s minimum standards. These are outlined in detail in the PACFA Training Standards. The PACFA CEO, the Secretary, and the Chairs of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committees can assist with preparation of the applicant’s documentation.


The fee to apply for PACFA membership is $550.00 (incl. GST). PACFA Member Associations pay an annual membership fee of $687.50 (incl. GST) for 20 or more members and $343.75 (incl. GST) for less than 20 members. In addition, Member Associations pay an annual per capita fee of $179.26 (incl. GST) per member for those members who meet PACFA’s Training Standards (capped at 225 members for large Associations). Membership numbers are taken as at 31 March each year. This fee increases annually by the CPI based on the 31 December CPI figures. The per capita fee is payable and applies for members located in Australia only.

Applying for Membership

To apply for PACFA membership, professional associations should complete the PACFA Membership Application Form (available on request).

Prior to submitting an Application to become a PACFA Member Association, please request a preliminary discussion with the PACFA CEO. Arrange a confidential discussion with the CEO by contacting [email protected].