Canine Assisted Therapy in Practice

Insight Therapies Counselling and Consultancy | Anita Geary


Canine Assisted Therapy in Practice


Canine Assisted Therapy in Practice is a self-paced online course bringing together over a decade of experience and evidence-based learning in the field of Animal Assisted Therapy. 

Throughout the course, you will learn through video content as well as additional readings and role plays how to: 

-  apply ethical and effective Animal Assisted Therapy or Education in your work
- enhance and develop your existing practice
- pursue your passion for animals and the therapeutic benefits they bring
- understand whether or not AAT is the right fit for you and your dog
- grow your confidence in using your existing Animal Assisted Therapy certification with clients

Throughout the training, you will also have access to our course creator and experienced Animal Assisted Therapist, Anita Geary, to answer any questions you 


Anita Geary - Bachelor of Social Work, Diploma of Applied Social Science, Diploma of Animal Assisted Therapies, Diploma of Community Services, Child Care, Certified Therapy Dog Team – Animal Assisted Therapy, Certificate in Expressive Therapies, Certificate in Play Therapy Studies, Advanced Supervision Program (Mental Health) – AASW

Animal Assisted Therapy Committee member - Animal therapies Limited

Anita Geary is an experienced Animal Assisted Therapist, based in Wodonga, Victoria. A committee member of Animal Therapies Limited (ATL), Anita has been recognised for her ongoing contribution to the development of the profession in Australia, and in 2023, she presented at the ATL conference (Brisbane), on the use of AAT when working with clients who have experienced interpersonal trauma. 

In her role as Lead Therapist (ACA Registered Counsellor & AASW Accredited Social Worker) at Insight Therapies Counselling and Consultancy, Anita combines quality therapy with her fully trained and certified therapy dogs Bacardi and Kaluah, to engage her clients by delivering a therapeutic team of self, client and therapy dog.

Anita first began the process of AAT certification for both herself and her then 3-year-old Labrador Bacardi, in 2019, after noticing a natural longing for Bacardi to offer comfort to others. Anita recognised that these innate skills demonstrated by Bacardi, when combined with her experience of working successfully with adults and children who have experienced trauma, could offer children, young people and adults a meaningful and highly valuable therapeutic experience.

Since the beginning of Insight Therapies Counselling and Consultancy in early 2020, Bacardi’s daughter Kaluah has also completed her certification and now joins the team with her gentle nature and her willingness to share her calm to promote positive emotional experiences for those who work with her.

Insight Therapies Counselling and Consultancy is the first and only canine-assisted therapy practice in the Albury Wodonga area and have been featured for their support to those in need by Prime7 news, The Border Mail and ABC Goulburn radio.

This course counts towards 5.5 hours of category B CPD.

Click here to register.

3/11/2023 - 3/02/2024