PACFA West Branch Workshop June

Working with the intelligence of the body to strengthen the Gut-Brain Connection 



Members $80
Students $35
Non-members $110

Part 1 - 10.00am to 12 noon AWST (Perth time)
Part 2 - 1.00pm to 3.00pm AWST (Perth time)

As we transition into an uncertain future, it has never been more important to maintain our mental and physical fitness through a healthy gut-brain connection. 

In this two-part webinar, Dr Andy Harkin will invite us to explore the space between the two polarities of wellness, where the focus is building on ‘what’s already working well’ and the medical model where the focus is ‘what’s wrong with you?’ where there is a space where we are ‘fine’.

Andy will 
Invite us to consider some key questions about the space in between these polarities and how this impacts on the experience of our clients and our work with them
Outline Stephen Porges` polyvagal theory, increasingly used by clinicians from a wide variety of backgrounds and its clinical application, especially in the area of psycho-education 
Compare and contrast it with the Window of Tolerance model
Demonstrate how the model can change how we pay attention to our clients
Introduce some clinical interventions based on an understanding of the theory
To view Andy’s TED talk ‘Mind the gap: Moving from the brain to the body’, go to: 


Dr Andrew (Andy) Harkin

A medical doctor and psychotherapist, Andy Harkin was a lead trainer with the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (USA) for over 5 years, teaching psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists from the UK, Europe, USA and Australia about trauma and attachment. Andy has also trained in EMDR, Brainspotting, the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Formerly a Senior Therapist in a psychiatric day hospital, Andy now divides his time between training mental health clinicians across Australia in body-based approaches to psychotherapy and his private practice in Bunbury. 


Cancellations made 5 or less working days prior to the course commencement date are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to a future course or event. 
Cancellations of more than 5 working days may apply for a refund. 
13/06/2020 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
W. Australia Standard Time
Registration not available.

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