PACFA supports AHPRA's Intraprofessional statement

PACFA has joined 53 other signatories in endorsing the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency's (Ahpra) Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) Statement of Intent.

12 June 2024 

PACFA has joined 53 other signatories in endorsing the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency's (Ahpra) Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) Statement of Intent. This landmark agreement aims to embed collaborative practice across the healthcare sector, enhancing patient care and promoting cultural safety.

What is Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP)?

IPCP refers to the collaboration of healthcare professionals from different backgrounds to deliver the highest quality of care. This approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care that is free from discrimination and racism.

The Vision for IPCP

The statement of intent outlines a vision to embed IPCP across the Australian health system in education, training, clinical governance, research, and practice. This initiative aligns with broader efforts to improve healthcare delivery and address health disparities.

Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Enhanced Health Outcomes: IPCP has been shown to improve patient experiences and health outcomes by fostering a more holistic approach to care.
  • Culturally Safe Care: The statement emphasises the importance of providing culturally safe care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, free from racism.
  • Person-Centred Care: IPCP ensures that care is tailored to individual needs and preferences, promoting patient autonomy and satisfaction.
  • Improved Collaboration: By encouraging collaboration among healthcare professionals, IPCP can break down silos and streamline care pathways.

PACFA is the only non-National Scheme and the first National Alliance of Self Regulating Professions (NASRHP) professional body to endorse the statement, aligning the organisation with national efforts to improve healthcare quality. Other signatories include Ahpra Medical and Dental Boards, Australian College of Paramedicine, Australian Psychological Society, Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand.

Work has begun on an implementation plan for the statement, with actions expected throughout 2024. One key aspect of this commitment is the potential development of a National Scheme strategy on IPCP.

PACFA's endorsement of the Ahpra IPCP Statement of Intent marks a significant step towards a more collaborative and patient-centred healthcare system in Australia. By prioritising collaboration, cultural safety, and person-centred care, this initiative promises to improve health outcomes and experiences for all Australians.

View Ahpra's Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Statement of Intent.