PACFA helps to shape the future of self-regulation for allied health

PACFA continues to participate in discussions on a new self-regulation model for allied health, seeking greater government recognition and a more robust framework. This strategic initiative has the potential to significantly impact the future of allied health professionals.

16 May 2024 

PACFA is at the forefront of shaping the future of self-regulation for allied health professionals. Working alongside the National Alliance of Self-Regulating Health Professions (NASRHP) and the Australian Health Professionals Alliance (AHPA), PACFA is actively engaged in discussions regarding a new self-regulation model.

This strategic initiative, while potentially a long-term project taking years to fully implement, carries significant weight for the future of allied health professionals. PACFA, as part of its membership of NASRHP and AHPA, is currently in discussions which will determine the desired future state of self-regulation in the allied health sector.

A key area of focus for PACFA is workforce utilisation. Alongside AHPA and NARSHP, PACFA is advocating for changes that ensure the government recognises and respects the value of allied health professionals. This focus on workforce utilisation underscores the importance of ensuring that the future self-regulation model allows allied health professionals to contribute their expertise effectively.

PACFA's involvement extends beyond workforce utilisation. The organisation, alongside NASRHP and AHPA, is attending further meetings aimed at refining a joint position paper for the Scope of Practice review. This paper will delve into various self-regulation model options, identifying the specific needs of self-regulating professions within the allied health sector.

A recently submitted joint response by AHPA and NASRHP to the government review highlights the need for greater support and collaboration between self-regulating bodies and established regulatory bodies. Key points of this response include:

  • The necessity for further work to strengthen self-regulation within the allied health sector
  • A clear definition of self-regulating professions, including educational requirements (AQF Level 7 or higher) and robust regulatory mechanisms
  • The importance of elements like title protection and collaboration with other regulatory bodies within a self-regulation model, though a specific model is not currently proposed
  • Highlighting the challenges faced by existing self-regulating professions, such as fragmented regulation and lack of enforcement across jurisdictions
  • Advocacy for a separate, funded review specifically focused on strengthening self-regulation mechanisms for allied health professions

PACFA's active participation in these discussions demonstrates its commitment to ensuring a future where self-regulating allied health professions are recognised, respected, and well-integrated into the broader healthcare framework. This involvement holds the potential to create a future where allied health professionals can utilise their expertise more effectively, ultimately benefiting patients and the healthcare system as a whole.

Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) is the recognised national voice for allied health professions in Australia, representing and advocating for the role of allied health professionals in health, aged care, disability, social services and more. PACFA has been a full member of AHPA since 2022. Read more about AHPA.

NASRHP aims to provide regulatory quality assurance for self-regulatory health professions. Members must meet a national framework of regulatory standards.

Currently a qualifying member of NASRHP, PACFA has committed to achieving full membership with NASRHP within the next two years. This process will involve publishing a range of resources to guide both counsellors and the public on registration and professional practice. Read more about NASRHP.