Shape the Future of PACFA:  2024 Board Nominations Now Open

15 August 2024 

We're excited to announce that there are multiple opportunities for eligible members to join the PACFA Board at our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 12th October 2024.

These positions offer a unique chance to lead the profession and contribute to PACFA's mission of upholding high-quality standards and registration for counsellors, psychotherapists, and Indigenous Healing Practitioners.

This email serves as the formal call for nominations for the following Board positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Counselling Representative, and Psychotherapy Representative.

If you've already responded to our initial call for nominations, please disregard this email. However, as it's essential that all eligible members are informed, we are sending this reminder.

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for nomination or re-nomination to the PACFA Board, you must be:

  • An Individual Member of PACFA who meets the PACFA Training Standards or has equivalent training; or
  • A Member Association Member who meets the PACFA Training Standards, has the right to vote as a member of a Member Association, or has equivalent training.

Eligible members, including current Board Members eligible for re-election, can be nominated for Board positions if they have at least two years of experience with PACFA through involvement in the PACFA Council, a PACFA Committee, a PACFA Working Party, or by serving on the executive of a PACFA Member Association or the Leadership Group of a PACFA Division or Sub-division.

According to the PACFA Constitution, nominees must also meet the following criteria:

  • President: Must be a current PACFA Board member with a minimum of 12 months of service.
  • Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer: Must be eligible for PACFA clinical registration and be in good standing within the counselling and psychotherapy profession.
  • Counselling Representative: Must be a qualified counsellor eligible for PACFA clinical registration and in good standing within the counselling profession.
  • Psychotherapy Representative: Must be a qualified psychotherapist eligible for PACFA clinical registration and in good standing within the psychotherapy profession.

Nominations require signatures from the nominee and one other eligible member (as defined above) acting as nominator. You may be nominated for multiple positions but can only hold one Board position. Separate nomination forms must be submitted for each position.

Submission Instructions: Please email your completed nomination form, signed by both the nominator and nominee, to [email protected] and [email protected] by 11:59 pm on 25 September 2024.

If an electronic signature from your nominator is unavailable, an email from them endorsing your nomination (confirming they have reviewed your completed nomination form) is acceptable and should be submitted alongside your nomination form.

Include a high-resolution candidate photo (.png or .jpg format preferred) with your submission.

Voting will take place via electronic ballot before the AGM, and successful nominations will be announced at the AGM. Further details on the roles will be available on the PACFA website.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the CEO at [email protected].

Download the Nomination form here