ACCAPE has closed

16 April 2024

Despite its proud history of leading the field in counselling and psychotherapy education, initially as the independent Society for Counselling and Psychotherapy Educators (SCAPE), ACCAPE has faced an extended period of inactivity and a lack of volunteers to lead the College.

PACFA acknowledges and appreciates the vital role ACCAPE has played in advancing counselling education in Australia, and the dedicated efforts of its past leaders, including the most recent, Roman Ilgauskas.

PACFA remains committed to supporting the professional development of counselling and psychotherapy educators and will continue to explore alternative pathways to best serve their needs.

PACFA members seeking information or resources related to counselling education are encouraged to visit the National Heads of Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (NHCPE) website or contact the PACFA office for more information.

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