PACFA set to unveil new online ‘Community Platform’

13 December 2023

We are pleased to introduce PACFA's online Community platform, an innovative online forum to foster connections, collaboration and resource-sharing among our members. The new forum will cultivate professional networks within our organisation, providing opportunities for future engagement. 

The launch of the online Community forum underscores PACFA's ongoing commitment to supporting the professional growth and wellbeing of our members. To kickstart this venture, we will be launching with two communities: the College of Creative and Experiential Therapies (CCET) and a community tailored for student members approaching graduation. Additional communities will be introduced in the future, aligning with the evolving needs of our members. 

Future Community Development: 

PACFA is actively collaborating with leadership groups to identify and establish additional communities that cater to the diverse interests and needs of our members. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that both niche and broad topics are addressed, promising future opportunities for every PACFA member. 

Engaging Leadership Groups: 

Leadership Group leaders are encouraged to contribute ideas for potential communities or express interest in forming communities for their groups. 

Platform Launch and Beyond: 

The official launch of the PACFA Community Platform is scheduled for early 2024. The initial communities, coupled with forthcoming additions, present opportunities for members to connect and collaborate. To enhance the platform's richness, PACFA is actively seeking moderators for future communities. 

'The Start of Something New': 

Upon the launch of PACFA Community, members can access the home page using their designated member portal login details. The home page conveniently gathers information and links to PACFA events, FAQs, E-news, Jobs Board, and Rooms for Rent in one central location. 

Initially, most members will not have access to specific communities during the launch of PACFA Community. However, updates will be provided as these communities open in 2024. Access to the Applying for Registration and C.CET communities will be granted to specific community members, with direct notifications scheduled for January. 

PACFA’s Community Platform marks the beginning of an exciting chapter for the members of PACFA. Once established, the Community Platform promises to be a vibrant and supportive online space for all PACFA members.