Join PACFA’s 2024 program accreditation standards review working party

12 December 2023

PACFA is pleased to announce a rare opportunity for experts in the profession to contribute to the future of counselling and psychotherapy education and practice in Australia. We are inviting expressions of interest to join the Working Party for the review of Program Accreditation Standards.

About the program accreditation standards review
PACFA is committed to maintaining and promoting high standards in the counselling and psychotherapy profession. We are undertaking a comprehensive review of the PACFA Training Standards (2022) to ensure that they reflect contemporary educational practices and regulatory changes. This review offers an opportunity to align the standards with both national and international benchmarks, incorporating the latest research and evidence.

Role of the program accreditation standards review working party

The Working Party will play a crucial role in shaping the future of program accreditation standards. Members of the Working Party will be involved in:

  • Reviewing relevant documents, including targeted background materials and research.
  • Performing national and international benchmarking to compare practice and program accreditation standards in comparable jurisdictions.
  • Providing feedback on draft program accreditation standards and recommendations.

Who can apply

PACFA is seeking appropriately qualified and experienced individuals to join the Working Party.

Ideal candidates should have:

  • Postgraduate qualifications in counselling.
  • Current, relevant higher education experience, particularly in learning, teaching and curriculum development, especially at a leadership level.
  • Understanding of issues in regulation, and/or education/healthcare delivery, and/or policy development relating to counselling and psychotherapy education and practice.
  • Experience in applying standards and quality assurance, or accreditation of programs of study or institutions.


As this is a new Working Party, the requirements for meetings are yet to be established. Following the formation of the Working Party, we anticipate that the first meeting will be held in March 2024 with further details to be provided to members once appointments are confirmed.

Initial meetings may require a commitment of 1 to 2 hours per week, including meetings, reading, analysis and research. Members of the Working Party will also review drafts and provide feedback outside of meeting times. The meeting schedule will be determined once the Working Party is formed and will be based on the project and consultation timeframes.

Expressions of interest

This is a chance to make a significant impact on the standards that shape the profession. We encourage interested stakeholders to apply for this opportunity to contribute their expertise and vision.

To express interest in membership of the Working Party, please complete and submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) application form along with a copy of your current curriculum vitae by Friday 2 February 2024.

PACFA aims to the review applications and make a decision on appointments within one month of the closing date. Please note that all information provided will be treated confidentially and used solely for shortlisting and selection purposes.

For more information and to request an EOI application form, please email Jess Hazell, Project and Membership Officer at [email protected].

Participate in a key research survey on online counselling and psychotherapy training

The University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) is pleased to invite you to participate in the next phase of the literature review project commissioned by PACFA. For more information on this, please click here