Working with Trauma & Disordered Eating

Eating Disorders Australia


Working with Trauma & Disordered Eating

14 and 21 August 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm AEST


This 5 part course aims to:

• Further develop skills of practitioners with introductory knowledge around eating disorders and disordered eating. 
• Unpack the evidence around the connection between trauma and our relationship with food and how this may show up in the therapy space. 
• Provide practical ways for counsellors to work with a disordered relationship with food and trauma symptoms concurrently to work on client’s goals in a dual capacity.
Part 1: Introduction to the role our relationship with food plays with trauma.
Learning outcomes:
• How disordered eating can become a way of coping
• Understanding the role of the window of tolerance
• Diet Culture & feeling in control

Part 2: Understanding the needs of clients experiencing disordered eating and trauma.
Learning outcomes:
• How ‘triggers’ impact occurrences of disordered eating behaviours
• Understanding the brain’s role in trauma & disordered eating
• Unpacking the complexities of culture, relational dynamics and body image issues & belonging

Part 3: Practical ways of working with disordered eating and trauma symptoms simultaneously.
Learning outcomes:
• Working with the window of tolerance
• Reaction vs. Response Cycles
• Body Image Work
• Attachment work to heal relational wounds in therapy

Part 4: Client-Informed Care, HAES and ‘All Foods Fit’ ways of working.
Learning outcomes:
• Understanding the HAES model
• Working from a client-centred space to ensure client goals are being met
• Managing conflicting goals and ensuring an eating disorder is not continuing to be activated
• Willingness to learn a new ‘language’ and unpack your own relationship with food

Part 5: Self-Care & Managing your own issues.
Learning outcomes:
• Why self-care becomes more important when working with these issues
• The impact on your everyday life/choices when working with these issues on a regular basis
• Supervision


Alyssa Sterry - Clinical PACFA Member
Masters of Counselling, PD completed on eating disorders, binge eating disorder, intuitive eating, complex trauma and eating disorders 
Experience working as an eating disorders counsellor in private practice and with The Butterfly Foundation
Supervisor of counselling and psychology interns working with disordered eating/eating disorders

This course counts towards 4 hours of category A CPD.

Click here to register.

14/08/2024 6:30 PM - 21/08/2024 8:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time