Philosophical Reflections and Insights for Psychotherapists

Dr Steven Segal




Philosophical Reflections and Insights for Psychologists and Psychotherapists

3, 10, 17, 24  September and 1 October 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm AEST


How can we use the combination of philosophy and psychotherapy to enhance our therapeutic wisdom?

Psychology, psychotherapy, and philosophical reflection highlight the role that moods and emotions play in developing insight and managing personal transformation. Just as psychologists and psychotherapists deal with moods of anxiety, depression, and feelings of low self-worth, different philosophers can offer a rich understanding of the role of emotions in responding to mental health challenges. Starting with Plato and running through the history of philosophy, a pattern emerges indicating how moods of anxiety, perplexity, despair, confusion, curiosity, and wonder, are triggers for philosophical reflection. Working effectively with these moods, philosophical reflection provides frameworks for enabling clients to transform these moods into opportunities for them to see, do, and be, in the world in much more fulfilling ways.

Each philosopher, just as each psychotherapy, provides a process for working with healing and transformation. Socratic questioning, for example, is a process of dealing with perplexity and Martin Heidegger shows how phenomenology and hermeneutics provide processes for working with questions of meaning, anxiety, and the point of existence.

This series of online workshops aims to provide psychologists and psychotherapists with a framework and added set of skills for working effectively with the disruptive moods that clients bring into therapy.

Unlock the synergy of philosophy and psychology in a transformative webinar workshop series designed for psychologists and mental health professionals.



Dr Steven Segal is a registered and practising Psychologist. He was appointed Associate Professor of Management at Macquarie University, Sydney where he taught psychology and philosophy in the context of management and leadership. 
Dr Segal has conducted professional development workshops in a range of areas including leadership, education, psychology and psychotherapy. He brings a unique combination of psychology, philosophy, management education and leadership to enable professionals at all levels to develop their practice.

Themes which have driven his interest in psychology and philosophy include anxiety and depression. He has always been focused on the practical application of philosophy which gives him an additional and helpful lens in his practice as a psychologist. Utilising philosophy, he enables clients to gain insight into themselves and the social context in which they live. He has an action orientated view of philosophical reflection and believes that action and reflection form an ongoing cycle on the psychotherapeutic journey.  
Dr Segal’s Masters and PhD focus on educational frameworks for working with anxiety and despair. His most recent research project focused on the challenging psychological experiences involved in management and leadership development.  
He has published two books which both deal with anxiety and emotion in the context of management: 
Business Feel and Management Practice, and Creative Destruction: Existential Skills for Inquiring Managers, Researchers and Educators.  

He has edited books including Face to Face with Management Practice and been the section editor of the Handbook on Managerial Philosophy. Dr Segal has published over 30 peer-reviewed scholarly articles in a range of disciplines including philosophy, psychology, and management.


This course counts towards 10 hours of category A CPD.


PACFA member: $450 ex GST
Non-member: $500 ex GST

Click here to register.

3, 10, 17, 24 September and 1 October 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm AEST

The content of this endorsed CPD course is provided by the external course provider. Attendees are encouraged to approach the material with an open mind and consider diverse perspectives, particularly those from lived experiences related to the topics discussed. For feedback regarding the course, please contact the course provider directly.

3/09/2024 6:30 PM - 1/10/2024 8:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time