Working with Complex and Prolonged Grief

Centre for Existential Practice (CEP)


Working with Complex, Prolonged Grief: Addressing Crisis of meaning and Existential angst

Sometimes grief has the power to significantly challenge the griever’s ability to function in their daily life, even after a lengthy stretch of time. This has become known as complex or prolonged grief in which painful emotions are so long-lasting that the griever has trouble coping with their changed reality and day to day life becomes a continual struggle. In this experiential workshop we will explore modern notions of complex and prolonged grief while considering how to work therapeutically with clients in a way that facilitates growth and a re-engagement with life. 

This event counts for 12 hours of Category A CPD.

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19/08/2022 9:30 AM - 27/08/2022 12:45 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online Via Zoom AUSTRALIA

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